
Career assessments are tools designed to help individuals gain insights into their skills, interests, values, and personality traits, with the goal of guiding them toward suitable career paths. These assessments are valuable resources for anyone exploring potential career options, making career changes, or seeking a better understanding of their professional strengths.



CareerBuilder Philosophy

DishaaOnline is run by experts from the field with three decades of experience.



Empathy & Support

Some Thoughts and Articles from CareerBuilder

By combining our commitment to evidence-based research with our practical expertise, we strive to empower individuals and organizations.

Career Services

Career Guidance and Course Selection : Our experienced team assists students in choosing the right courses and career paths based on their unique personality traits, interests.


Psychometric Analysis and Assessments: Gain valuable insights into your strengths, personality traits, and career preferences through our scientifically.Our assessments provide you with a deeper understanding of yourself, helping you make informed decisions and align your career choices with your inherent.

Career Counselling

  • Helping individuals understand themselves better. Career guidance can help individuals explore their interests, skills, and values, which can give them a better understanding of themselves and what they are looking for in a career.
  • Providing information about different careers. Career guidance can provide individuals with information about different careers, including the skills and education required, the job outlook, and the salary potential.
  • Teaching individuals how to plan their careers. Career guidance can teach individuals how to set career goals, develop a plan to achieve those goals, and manage their career development.
  • Find a qualified career counselor. There are many different career counselors available, so it is important to find one who is qualified and experienced. You can ask your friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations, or you can search online for career counselors in your area.
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